Privacy Policy

We attach great importance to the transparent handling of personal data. This privacy policy provides information about what personal data we collect, for what purpose and to whom we pass it on. To ensure a high level of transparency, this privacy policy is regularly reviewed and updated.

1. which services we use

Google Ads
Google Analytics
Google Call Conversion Tracking
Google Tag Manager
Font Awesome
Google Fonts API

2. contact information

If you have any questions or concerns about the protection of your data by us, you can contact us at any time by e-mail at Responsible for the data processing that takes place via this website is

RingMacher GmbH
Paracelsusstrasse 1b
Ostermundigen 3072

Person responsible for data protection:
Daniel Locher
078 228 72 68

3 General principles

3.1 What data we collect from you and from whom we receive this data

First and foremost, we process personal data that you provide to us or that we collect when operating our website. We may also receive personal data about you from third parties. This may include the following categories:

Personal master data (name, address, dates of birth, etc.);
Contact data (cell phone number, e-mail address, etc.);
Financial data (e.g. account details);
Online identifiers (e.g. cookie identifiers, IP addresses);
Location and traffic data;
Sound and image recordings;
particularly sensitive data (e.g. biometric data or information about your health).

3.2 Under what conditions do we process your data?

We treat your data confidentially and in accordance with the purposes set out in this privacy policy. We ensure transparent and proportionate processing.

If, in exceptional cases, we are unable to comply with these principles, data processing may still be lawful because there is a justification. In particular, the following grounds for justification may apply:

Your consent;
the performance of a contract or pre-contractual measures;
our legitimate interests, provided that your interests do not prevail.

3.3 How can you withdraw your consent?

If you have given us your consent to process your personal data for specific purposes, we will process your data within the scope of this consent, unless we have another justification.

You can withdraw your consent at any time by sending an e-mail to the address given in the legal notice. Data processing that has already taken place is not affected by this.

3.4 In which cases can we pass on your data to third parties?

a. Principle

Under certain circumstances, we may need to use the services of third parties or affiliated companies and commission them to process your data (so-called processors). Categories of recipients are in particular

Accounting, fiduciary and auditing companies;
Consulting companies (legal advice, taxes, etc.);
IT service providers (web hosting, support, cloud services, website design, etc.);
Payment service providers;
providers of tracking, conversion and advertising services.
We ensure that these third parties and our affiliated companies comply with data protection requirements and treat your personal data confidentially.

We may also be obliged to disclose your personal data to authorities.

b. Visiting our social media channels

We may have embedded links to our social media channels on our website. This is visible to you in each case (typically via corresponding icons). If you click on the icons, you will be redirected to our social media channels.

In this case, the social media providers are informed that you have accessed their platform from our website. The social media providers can use the data collected in this way for their own purposes. We would like to point out that we have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or its use by the providers.

c. Transfer abroad

Under certain circumstances, your personal data may be transferred to companies abroad as part of order processing. These companies are obliged to protect data to the same extent as we are. The transfer may take place worldwide.

If the level of data protection does not correspond to that in Switzerland, we will carry out a prior risk assessment and contractually ensure that the same level of protection is guaranteed as in Switzerland (e.g. by means of the new standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission or other legally prescribed measures). If our risk assessment is negative, we will take additional technical measures to protect your data. You can access the EU Commission's standard contractual clauses at the following link:

3.5 How long do we store your data?

We only store personal data for as long as is necessary to fulfill the individual purposes for which the data was collected.

Data that we store when you visit our website is stored for twelve months. An exception applies to analysis and tracking data, which may be stored for longer.

We store contract data for longer, as we are obliged to do so by law. In particular, we must store business communications, concluded contracts and accounting documents for up to 10 years. If we no longer need such data from you to perform the services, the data will be blocked and we will only use it for accounting and tax purposes.

3.6 How do we protect your data?

We will keep your data secure and take all reasonable steps to protect your data from loss, access, misuse or alteration.

Our contractual partners and employees who have access to your data are obliged to comply with data protection regulations. In some cases, it will be necessary for us to pass on your inquiries to companies affiliated with us. Your data will also be treated confidentially in these cases.

Within our website, we use the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) method in conjunction with the highest encryption level permitted by your browser.

3.7 What rights do you have?

a. Right to information

You can request information about the data we have stored about you at any time. Please send your request for information together with proof of identity to

You also have the right to receive your data in a commonly used file format if we process your data automatically and if:

you have given your consent for the processing of this data; or
you have provided data in connection with the conclusion or performance of a contract.
We may restrict or refuse to provide information or data if this conflicts with our legal obligations, our own legitimate interests, public interests or the interests of a third party.

The processing of your request is subject to the statutory processing period of 30 days. However, we may extend this period due to a high volume of requests, for legal or technical reasons or because we require more detailed information from you. You will be informed of the extension in good time, at least in text form.

b. Deletion and correction

You have the option of requesting the erasure or rectification of your data at any time. We may reject the request if statutory provisions oblige us to store the data for a longer period or to store it unchanged, or if your request conflicts with a legal requirement.

Please note that exercising your rights may be in conflict with contractual agreements and may have corresponding effects on the performance of the contract (e.g. premature termination of the contract or cost consequences).

3.8 Changes to the privacy policy

We may change this privacy policy at any time. The changes will be published on, you will not be informed separately.

4 Individual data processing operations

4.1 Provision of the website and creation of log files

What information do we receive and how do we use it?

When you visit, certain data is automatically stored on our servers or on servers of services and products that we purchase and/or have installed for the purposes of system administration, for statistical or backup purposes or for tracking purposes. These are

the name of your internet service provider;
Your IP address (under certain circumstances);
the version of your browser software
the operating system of the computer used to access the URL
the date and time of access
the website from which you visit the URL
the search terms you used to find the URL.

Why are we allowed to process this data?

This data cannot be assigned to a specific person and is not merged with other data sources. The log files are stored in order to guarantee the functionality of the website and to ensure the security of our information technology systems. This is our legitimate interest.

How can you prevent data collection?

The data is only stored for as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. Accordingly, the data is deleted at the end of each session. The storage of log files is absolutely necessary for the operation of the website; you therefore have no option to object to this.

4.3 Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics on our website, a web analysis service provided by Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; “Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site.

The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. However, if IP anonymization is activated on this website, your IP address will be shortened by Google beforehand within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and truncated there.

Google will use this information on behalf of the operator of this website for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage to the website operator.

The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data.

You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. You can also prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) and from processing this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link:


4.4 Google Call Conversion Tracking

On our website, we use Google Call Conversion Tracking, an analytics service provided by Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; “Google”). This service enables us to measure the effectiveness of certain advertisements by recording how many calls are generated by these advertisements.

If you reach our website via a Google ad and call us using the telephone number provided, Google can recognize this and record it for us as a “conversion”. No personal data of the caller, such as the telephone number or name, is transmitted to us.

Google uses cookies and similar technologies to provide the service and track the calls. These cookies are used to identify and track the advertisement that led the user to the website and the source of the call.

If you do not wish to participate in tracking, you can object to this use by deactivating the Google Conversion Tracking cookie via your Internet browser under user settings. You will then not be included in the conversion tracking statistics.




4.6 Font Awesome

Font Awesome wird betrieben von Fonticons, Inc., mit Sitz in 6 Porter Road, Apartment 3R, Cambridge, MA 02140, USA. Font Awesome ist eine Sammlung von skalierbaren Vektor-Icons, die Website-Entwicklern ermöglicht, verschiedene Icons und soziale Logos auf ihren Websites zu integrieren.

Wir nutzen Font Awesome, um visuelle Icons auf unserer Website zu integrieren. Dies kann beispielsweise Icons für Benutzeroberflächen, soziale Medien-Links oder andere grafische Darstellungen umfassen, die das Design und die Benutzererfahrung unserer Website verbessern.

Font Awesome kann Webfonts von den Servern von Fonticons, Inc. laden, wenn ein Benutzer unsere Website besucht. Dabei wird die IP-Adresse des Benutzers an Fonticons, Inc. gesendet. Dies ist notwendig, damit der Webbrowser des Benutzers die Font Awesome-Icons korrekt anzeigen kann.

Fonticons, Inc. speichert die IP-Adressen der Benutzer nur kurzzeitig und ausschliesslich zum Zweck der Bereitstellung der Font Awesome-Icons. Es findet keine weitergehende Speicherung oder Analyse statt.

4.5 Google Tag Manager

We use Google Tag Manager, a service provided by Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; “Google”), to manage website tags via an interface. The Google Tag Manager itself (which implements the tags) is a cookie-less domain and does not process any personal data. The service triggers other tags, which in turn may collect data. Google Tag Manager does not access this data. If deactivation has been carried out at domain or cookie level, this remains in place for all tracking tags implemented with Google Tag Manager.

By using Google Tag Manager, scripts (so-called tags) can be automatically activated on our website and data can be transmitted from your browser to Google. This data may include information about your IP address, the browser you are using, the subpages of our website you have visited and other interactions during your visit to our website.

4.7 Google Fonts API

On our website, we use the Google Fonts API, a service provided by Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; “Google”), to integrate fonts. By integrating these fonts, your browser will establish a connection to Google's servers when you visit our website in order to download the fonts and display them correctly.

Through this connection, data, in particular your IP address and information about the browser you are using, may be transmitted to Google and stored on Google's servers. These servers may be located in the USA or other countries.

If you wish to prevent the transfer of data in the context of the Google Fonts API, you can block access to the domain in your browser settings. Please note that in this case our website may not be displayed correctly.


4.8 Cookiebot

Our website uses Cookiebot, a cookie consent and compliance service from Cybot A/S. Cookiebot helps us to obtain and manage our users' consent for cookies and online tracking in accordance with legal requirements.

When you visit our website, Cookiebot may collect information about your consent choices and your interaction with the consent pop-up. This information is used to ensure that only the cookies and tracking technologies you have authorized are activated on your device.


4.9 Usercentrics

We use the “Usercentrics” service on our website, offered by Usercentrics GmbH, Sendlinger Strasse 7, 80331 Munich, Germany. Usercentrics is a consent management platform that supports companies in obtaining, managing and documenting their users' consent for certain technologies and data processing in accordance with data protection regulations.

When you visit our website, you will be shown a window informing you about our use of cookies and other technologies. Here you can choose which technologies you want to allow and which you don't. Usercentrics saves your selection and ensures that only the technologies you allow are activated during your visit. This allows us to design our website in accordance with your preferences and legal requirements.

Usercentrics uses cookies to remember your choices and ensure your preferences are retained on future visits. These cookies do not contain any personal data, but simply information about your choices regarding the use of technology on our website.

Usercentrics GmbH attaches great importance to data protection and has specialized in supporting companies in acting in accordance with data protection regulations.

4.10 TYPO3

Our website is based on the content management system (CMS) TYPO3, an open source software for creating and managing web content. TYPO3 is provided by the TYPO3 Association, Emanuel-Leutze-Strasse 11, D-40547 Düsseldorf, Germany.

When you visit our website, which is based on TYPO3, standard server log files can be created. These log files may contain information such as your IP address, the browser you use, the date and time of access, the previously visited page and other statistics. This data is mainly used for the purposes of error analysis, defending against attacks and optimizing the website.

It should be noted that in its standard configuration, TYPO3 does not set cookies that store personal data of website visitors. However, depending on the individual configuration and the extensions used on the website, cookies may be set.

Last updated on: August 6th, 2024

BrainBox generators

BrainBox Generators is a service from BrainBox Solutions GmbH to identify all data protection-relevant services on a website and, among other things, to help with the creation of the data protection declaration. No personal data is collected or processed.