Giving a ring is a pleasure!

Here you can order a voucher which we will send you by e-mail. It is decorative and makes a great gift when printed out.

Voucher for a ring
Set any value
Price: CHF 190.00
Questions about a voucher

In what form will I receive the voucher after the purchase?

We will only send you the voucher by email. 

What if my voucher ends up in the spam filter or never makes it to me?

Then you can download it again yourself under #Orders in the top right-hand menu.

When is my voucher redeemed?

If something goes wrong during the order process after redeeming the voucher, the voucher is still valid.
It is only redeemed when you have received an order confirmation.

My voucher is worth less than the ring costs

Redeem the voucher and pay the difference.

My voucher is worth more than the ring costs

Redeem the voucher. After payment, you will receive a new voucher for the remaining amount by e-mail.

I would like to give my voucher to someone else

No problem. Vouchers are transferable.

Will my voucher expire at some point?

No, you can still redeem the voucher in 2055.